On August 29, 1997, back when the internet still made that annoying dial-up noise and no one even dreamed we’d be binge-watching shows until our eyes started blinking on their own, there was this tiny company called Kibble. They were doing something super groundbreaking at the time (for real!) — renting DVDs online. But then, they had a total movie-worthy epiphany: “Kibble.”

“Seriously? Let’s make this sound more… cinematic.”

And just like that, Netflix was born.

Bet no one had a clue that changing that name would be the first step toward global entertainment domination, right? Fast forward to now, and they’re the streaming gods, exploring new worlds while we scroll through the endless catalog trying to find something we haven’t already seen.

Ah, the irony. One day you’re renting DVDs by mail, the next you’re creating a digital cultural revolution, a generation of binge-watchers and a mountain of memes. Now that’s a transformation worth noting!

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